Don't worry readers, I got over it already.. Previous post was a crystal of pure anger and frustration, and now that everything eased down, so nothing is not under control..
Anyway, I decided not to go already, to bear with the guilt of mom not allowing me to go and have fun the same time? Nahh, can't do it.. But its ok la, I understand her situation, and at least I still can have fun in KL area? lol, next tuesday movie spree, and the following day food spree haha..
Recently got caught up with this Colgate project.
Should elaborate more here.
A few of us from the KHS went to interview, and was shortlisted as the candidate for Colgate roadshow, and we have to memorize WORDS BY WORDS from the Marquee Script, its not like MUET speaking you know, you can't use your own words, haha.. Because they say that script is from the legal firm la this la that la, lol.. So, just hafal a few pages of words lor..
Tomorrow will be D-Day to determine whether if we are eligible to work for that event or not, IF we really got that job [PRAYING REAL HARD] we got to travel to P.Penang, K.Terengganu and Klang! and the fun part is everything is done with friends, haha.. I bet we are gonna have a good time ther =) IF we get la.. lol
Then, there will be the SOH[Seeds of Hope] exhibition in April at the Gakkai Cultural Centre, and I will be one of the exhibition guide there.. This time, it would be great difference from what I did back then in high school! Although its the same exhibition, but the spectators are from different walks of life! Adults, elite groups, small kids, housewives.. And I'm sure the challenge for me to convey the message will be bigger but I shall embrace it without fear! 24 panels here I come! =D
And there will be a HSD[High school division] meet on the 18th of March, which, I'm gonna take part in it to judge a debate whether if the education system in Msia should be exam orientated or not.. The pro and cons of it la, and to make a all rounded up conclusion at the end of it.. So.. yeah, some memory power too~ haha
I believe that being occupied makes us being more active and to live life in a better manner, I don't like the feeling of being lazy around the whole day in house.. Wake up, wait for tired, eat already, wait for hungry.. You know, its like, seriously.. wasting the time of youth which is the golden era of one's life??? Although I have such opinion, I do procrastinate all the time and being lazy due to lack of motivation and I HAVE TO CHANGE THIS ASAP!!
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